Hi Billy! This is for a Job possibility with Billy....Hope he picks me!
Hi Billy! Laura and Sasha's Excellent Adventure - Hi Billy!
Started with a Vacation and Continues with a Lifestyle Change;
Living the RV Dream - Applying to a Possible Job with Hi Billy!
Applying to a Possible Job with Hi Billy!
Present time:
An email sent to me (and I am sure countless of other people):
Interested in working with me on a project?I saw this email and at first I was thinking, delete, but then I reread the email. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to really get my hands into and learn from someone who knows about entrepreneurship and online presence like Billy. I heard about him through Smart Passive Income (a blog that I started reading this summer) and thought, why not me?
I'm planning to put a lot more focus into ForeverJobless in 2014. To make this possible, and to be efficient with my time, I'm looking for someone to work closely with me on anything/everything related to ForeverJobless. Everything from setting up calls for me, to coordinating interviews, to promoting blog posts, to launching a podcast, to editing video, to potentially running a conference, etc...
I want someone who's extremely passionate about what being ForeverJobless stands for, and doesn't mind doing sometimes menial tasks to help achieve the overall goals of the ForeverJobless. Most importantly, I need someone who can just get shit done. If they don't know how to do it, they can figure it out.
You'd be working very closely with me to help shape the future of ForeverJobless, and would have the chance to learn about entrepreneurship from a very unique perspective. I want someone who's not only passionate about being an entrepreneur, but who wants to learn- this opportunity would allow you to see how I run my businesses up close, and hopefully gain insights that will help you to improve your entrepreneurial skills to use in the future for your own ventures.
If you're interested in this opportunity, fill out form #2 by Sunday, November 24th at 11:59pm Central to submit your application:
I would like to learn more about earning income passively. This website has been earning money but it is pennies on the dollar. Our LauraNSasha name is everywhere yet few are passing us enough money to live on much less be a major presence online.
I can only hope that Billy will chose me (from the countless of other people) and we can work together. My winter is pretty flexible, as we are full-time RVers and travel during the winter so I can make the time for Billy. I hope that by chosing me he can concentrate on his business and I can make money too. From the announcement, I can not tell if I have to be there as a presence or can work remotely. I am hoping for the latter.
We have great internet service and cell phone service and I have a Skype account plus my computer is a MacBook so I have Facetime. Works really well. If this turns into a great project, I can always add more money to the system, but I have to make sure I get the job.
In the summer I work as a Park Ranger, but if this job is so fabulous and making me money, then I can put that on hold or depending on the job, work two at once. It all depends on Billy.
I think Billy, you can see I am interested in the job, and passionate about what I do. If you ultimately decide on me as your assistant, this page will be linked into the navigation pane. Right now it will just be live, as a stand alone page within my website.
You can puruse this website for more on our insights, pictures, and videos but I will also show you where my online presence is as well:
- Website: www.Laura-n-Sasha.com
- Facebook: I have my own personal id at https://www.facebook.com/laura.jevtich
- Facebook: Personal blog page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Laura-n-Sasha/252694918128388
- Facebook: Open Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RVingLifestyle/
- YouTube Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/ljevtich - Got to make this better, ever since Google took it over, I have had weird logins. In a couple of days time, I will have a great video uploaded. It is a project my husband and I are working on, and therefore could not be up before the deadline, but I'm sure it will be up in ~ 3 days time.
- Pinterest: rarely used http://www.pinterest.com/lauransasha/boards/
- LinkedIn: rarely used: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/laura-jevtich/13/542/13a
- Google: haven't set up but have the name somehow: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/109538824620346658880/109538824620346658880/about/p/pub
- Blogger website: Sorry, not wordpress as blogger and wordpress are pretty much the same and neither worked well for me: http://laura-n-sasha.blogspot.com
- WordPress: Hmm, I guess I have one, but haven't used for a LONG time: http://s89050823.onlinehome.us
- Plus countless forums, groups, websites and interests.
With an interesting job working for Billy, I will learn more, have better insights, and make some money during the winter. If it continues to be a better job that what I have now, I'd say it is worth it in the end.
So hopefully this page will be on the navigation pane, I will be working for Billy, and my own stuff will not be pushed to the wayside.
So what do you think Billy, are you ready to hire me?
معلم جبس بورد بالمدينة المنورة
الجبس بورد من أهم المواد التي يعتمد عليها السكان حالياً في مجال الديكورات لتزيين أسقف وحوائط كلأ من المنازل والشركات والفلل والمكاتب ومن الجدير بالذكر أن ديكورات الجبس تضيف مظهر رائعاً وأنيقاًَ جداً للمنازل فهو يحول المنزل البسيط إلى قصر ويجعل كل من ينظر إليه يشعر بالجمال ولكن لن تتمكن عزيزنا القارئ من الحصول على خدمة ممتازة في مجال تركيب الجبس بورد والأسقف المعلقة إلا عندما تتعاون مع معلم جبس بورد بالمدينة المنورة فنحن نوفر لكم ألواح الجبس الألمانية والتي يتم استخدامها أيضاً في مجال العزل والجبس بورد الذي نستخدمه يتكون من خليط الجبس والسيلكون والفايبر جلاس ونحن نوفره لكم بأطوال وسماكة مختلفة.
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